Please Support Local Business This Holiday!

To Our East End Neighbors:

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, the East Hampton Community Alliance (EHCA) has so much to be thankful for, and wishes to convey our appreciation for all your efforts to keep East Hampton the vibrant community we all love so much. We are very fortunate to live in a community with such gorgeous natural resources, generous residents and a sense of place.

Now that the Election is behind us, we can all start to focus our attention locally. With the economic and health uncertainties we all face, it is critical that we do all we can to support local business survive during these unprecedented times. Whether it is a food pantry or buying your turkey, please consider supporting your neighbor. Local business is the lifeline of our economy.

EHCA is a grassroots organization formed to create awareness about the economic importance of the East Hampton Airport, and to inform our residents that the airport is at risk of being permanently closed in September 2021. We continue to thank you for the incredible financial support we have received in just 6 weeks time. EHCA’s ongoing media campaign, commission of an economic impact study, and support of community initiatives all take money. Now is the time to be a part of the movement to keep East Hampton Airport open.

EHCA encourages you and your friends to visit our website at and become a Member today. You will stay informed about our efforts to save HTO and about other issues important to our community. Please visit EHCA on Facebook and Instagram. Please follow us and post a comment. EHCA would love to generate a dialogue about the importance of the airport to our community.

Best wishes to you and your family for a Happy Thanksgiving!


The East Hampton Community Alliance

EHCA is Getting Noticed and The Community is Listening

To Our East End Neighbors:

The East Hampton Community Alliance (EHCA) is in its second month of its campaign to raise awareness about the economic importance of East Hampton Airport to the community, and about the very real threat that HTO could be permanently closed in September 2021. EHCA is getting noticed. The community is listening.

EHCA is delighted that our efforts are being written about in the local media. This week, the Southampton Press published an article entitled: “Airport Advocates Conducting New Economic Study”. The article introduces the EHCA and highlights our commission of an economic impact study about the financial impact of HTO on the community. We look forward to sharing the results of this study as soon as it is finalized.

EHCA continues with its print and digital awareness campaigns. This week, EHCA will have print and online ads in Dan’s Papers and La Noticia. As we continue to raise money, you will see our campaign expand into other media outlets and methods.

The mission of the EHCA is to advocate for the economic future of our community along with the health and safety of our residents. EHCA is proud to sponsor the annual PALS gala this Friday. PALS ( provides free air transportation for people in medical need. HTO is one of the many airports supporting PALS flights. We are honored to partner with PALS to help those in need in our community.

Our critically important awareness campaign requires money. We thank you for your tremendously generous response to our requests for fundraising so far. If you have not had a chance to donate yet, please consider doing so. We urge you and your friends to visit our website at and become a Member today. You will stay informed about our efforts to save HTO and about other issues important to our community. Now is the time to make your commitment to save HTO. No donation is too small. We cannot wait until weeks before HTO could be shuttered to try to make an impact. An awareness campaign takes time and money.

EHCA also encourages you to visit us on Facebook and Instagram. Please follow us and post a comment. EHCA would love to generate a dialogue about the importance of HTO to our community.

Again, we thank you for your continued support.


The East Hampton Community Alliance

Become a Member And Help Us Raise Awareness

To Our East End Neighbors:

The East Hampton Community Alliance (EHCA) is now one month into its campaign to raise awareness about the economic importance of East Hampton Airport to the community, and about the very real threat that HTO could be permanently closed in September 2021. Your financial support enables us to get this critical message out before it is too late.

EHCA continues with its print and digital awareness campaign. This week, EHCA will have 2 print ads in Dan’s Papers. As we move forward with our fundraising efforts and broaden our outreach in the community, you will see an increased presence of EHCA in all forms of media. We urge you and your friends to visit our website at and become a Member today.

You will stay informed about our efforts to save HTO and about other issues important to our community. Now is the time to make your commitment to save HTO. No donation is too small. We cannot wait until weeks before HTO could be shuttered to try to make an impact. An awareness campaign takes time and money.

EHCA also encourages you to visit us on Facebook and Instagram. Please follow us or post a comment. EHCA would love to generate a dialogue about the importance of HTO to our community.

Again, we thank those who have supported us financially, and for those who have not yet contributed, please visit our website to find out how you can help to keep HTO open and save local jobs. Thank you for your continued support.


The East Hampton Community Alliance

An Update On Our Outreach Efforts (10.23.2020)

To Our East End Neighbors:

Thank you for your continued, incredibly positive response to our letters introducing the East Hampton Community Alliance (EHCA) and our request for support. 

Your enthusiasm is proof that the local community values the East Hampton Airport and is willing to fight for it. EHCA commits that it will do everything possible to raise awareness about the importance of HTO to the local economy, and inform residents that it is at risk of being permanently closed in less than 12 months. 
We have had a productive week of outreach to local residents and businesses. Consistent with our strong belief that HTO is an economic lifeline for the local diverse community, we have begun our outreach to the significant Spanish speaking population in the Hamptons. EHCA placed an open letter to the Spanish speaking community in La Noticia, the largest Spanish newspaper on Long Island. 

Please click on this link to see the letter:

We plan to continue this outreach throughout our campaign.
EHCA also updated its website ( to include a “Member” link. Please check out the website and become a member. We simply ask for your name and email so that we may keep you informed about our efforts.
Your financial assistance makes these efforts possible. Again, we thank those who have supported us financially, and for those who have not yet contributed, please visit our website to find out how you can help to keep HTO open and save local jobs. Thank you for your continued support.


The East Hampton Community Alliance

Noticia El Correo (10.21.2020)

Para nuestros amigos y vecinos del East End:

¿Sabía que, a partir de septiembre de 2021, la ciudad de East Hampton podría cerrar permanentemente el Aeropuerto de East Hampton (“HTO”)?

¿Sabía que el East Hampton, un destino de renombre mundial, podría quedarse sin una forma conveniente y rápida para que los residentes puedan entrar y salir, los enfermos y heridos graves no podrían recibir tratamiento médico, y millones de empleos, actividad económica, oportunidades de educación y formación, e ingresos fiscales se perderían?

Irónicamente, el cierre podría ocurrir justo cuando HTO se vuelve aún más importante para nuestra comunidad. Los Hamptons representan una población diversa de etnias y grupos socioeconómicos. Como nuestra región se ha visto particularmente afectada por Covid, ahora no es el momento de cerrar un motor económico clave para los Hamptons y sus residentes. Muchos de nuestros amigos y vecinos han perdido sus trabajos, han visto a sus seres queridos enfermarse y han hecho cola en las despensas de alimentos.

Las estimaciones actuales muestran que una quinta parte de los adultos en los EE. UU. Se trasladaron solo este año, de ciudades a pueblos y municipios, y East Hampton ha sido testigo de esta migración. Además, HTO es parte de una importante red histórica de aeropuertos de aviación general que, en conjunto, proporcionan más de un millón de puestos de trabajo cada año, con una contribución económica total de $246.8 billones anuales.

Además, HTO es un recurso educativo para que todos nuestros hijos y nietos desarrollen carreras STEM, como mecánicos de fuselajes y centrales eléctricas, programadores, despachadores y pilotos. También estamos al borde de nuevos y emocionantes desarrollos en aviones más silenciosos y ecológicos, y la comunidad de East Hampton se beneficiará de la introducción de estas tecnologías en HTO. Si HTO cierra, perderemos estas oportunidades.

Es posible que haya escuchado de nosotros, si no nos permite presentarnos. Somos la East Hampton Community Alliance, un grupo de residentes y empresarios locales interesados e involucrados que creen que este recurso vital debe salvarse. Nuestro objetivo es crear conciencia sobre la amenaza de cerrar el aeropuerto y brindar soluciones para que pueda seguir funcionando y prosperando en el futuro. Pero necesitamos su ayuda. En los últimos años se ha difundido mucha mala información sobre el aeropuerto, concretamente sobre el origen del ruido y sobre cuántos residentes se ven afectados por él, y queremos responder a esa desinformación con hechos. Eso significa estudios económicos, encuestas y otras medidas para darle una imagen clara y honesta de la situación, y darnos un punto de partida para brindar soluciones a cualquier problema que pueda existir.

Lo invitamos a unirse a nuestra alianza y ser contado, para que podamos comenzar el proceso de lucha para mantener vivo este importante recurso, porque una vez que el Aeropuerto de East Hampton desaparezca, desaparecerá para siempre. Y septiembre de 2021 está más cerca de lo que piensas. Si está de acuerdo, visite nuestro sitio web para participar:


Alianza Comunitaria de East Hampton

Our Support is Growing - Thank You (10.19.2020)

To Our East End Neighbors:

Thank you for your tremendous response to our letter introducing the East Hampton Community Alliance (EHCA) and our request for support. Your enthusiastic response demonstrates the broad-based community desire to keep the East Hampton Airport (HTO) open. 

During these challenging economic times, our community simply cannot afford to close a neighborhood airport responsible for injecting millions of dollars into the local economy.

To all of the local pilots, users, operators, first responders, aspiring pilots, local business owners and members of our community, please know that the EHCA is committed to raising awareness about the importance of HTO to our economic survival, and spreading the word about the very real threat that the airport could be closed in less than 1 year.

EHCA has started its communications campaign this week with Ads in Dan’s Papers and will greatly expand its efforts in the coming days. Your financial assistance makes these efforts possible.

Again, we thank those who have supported us financially, and for those who have not yet contributed, please visit our website to find out how you can help to keep HTO open and save local jobs.

Thank you for your continued support.


The East Hampton Community Alliance

The East Hampton Airport Needs Your Help (10.6.2020)

A Letter From The East Hampton Community Alliance

To Our East End Neighbors:

Many of you have heard, or did you know that, beginning in September 2021, East Hampton Airport ("HTO") could be permanently closed by the town of East Hampton?

Did you know that East Hampton, a world-renowned destination, would then be without a convenient and fast way for residents to come and go, and for the seriously ill and injured to be Medivacked to treatment, and that millions in jobs, economic activity, educational & training opportunities, and tax revenues would be lost?

Ironically, the closure could occur just as HTO becomes even more important to our community. Current estimates show that a fifth of adults across the U.S. relocated this year alone, from cities to towns and municipalities, and East Hampton has witnessed this migration.

Further, HTO is part of an important, historic network of general aviation airports that together provide over a million jobs each year, with a total economic contribution of $246.8 billion annually.
In addition, HTO is an educational resource for our children & grandchildren to develop STEM careers such as airframe and power plant mechanics, schedulers, dispatchers, and pilots. We are also on the verge of exciting new developments in quieter, more environmentally friendly aircraft and the East Hampton community will benefit from the introduction of these technologies at HTO. If HTO closes, we will lose these opportunities.

You may have heard about us, if not allow us to introduce ourselves. We are the East Hampton Community Alliance, a group of concerned and involved local business people and residents who believe that this vital resource must be saved. It’s our goal to raise awareness of the threat to the airport, and provide solutions so it can keep functioning – and thriving – well into the future.

But we need your help. A lot of bad information has been spread about the airport in recent years, specifically about the origin of noise and about how many residents are affected by it, and we want to respond to that misinformation with facts. That means economic studies, polls and other measures to give you a clear and honest picture of the situation, and give us a starting point to provide solutions to any problems that may exist.

That costs money. So we humbly invite you to join our alliance with a contribution, so we can begin the process of fighting to keep this important resource alive, because once East Hampton Airport is gone, it will be gone for good. And September, 2021, is closer than you think.

Please visit our website to donate and get involved:


East Hampton Community Alliance