East Hampton Airport Diversion Study

Conducted by: Garvett & Associates, LLC (14 September 2021)


If east hampton airport (hto) is closed:

  • HTO flights redistribute: An estimated 95% of existing HTO operations would relocate to other airports (45% Montauk ; 32% Gabreski ; 18% other airports).

    • 5.5% of flights would no longer operate

  • Ground travel more than doubles: Vehicle-hours linked to existing HTO passengers would increase by 103% and vehicle-miles would increase by 185%.

  • Noise/emissions redistribute: East Hampton remains exposed to aircraft noise due to redistribution of flights.

    • Potential significant noise impact for Southampton Heliport & Montauk Airport

    • Additional vehicle-miles would increase total aircraft + ground vehicle emissions versus today by 1-2%